OPEN STUDIO - Faery Godmother's Enchanted Cottage

Linda Dumont
All are welcome to visit and experience The Faery Godmother’s Enchanted Cottage and Garden in Three Rivers! So many treasures coming to you from all over the earth! Her specialty, stone sculptures, using Kaweah River stones! Chakra wands! Angels! A myriad of tumbled stones and crystals for you to create your own positive energy bag! Let your imagination flourish and your heart be filled with magic! Blessed be!  You will find her creations at The Faery Godmother’s Enchanted Cottage; a whimsical environment and studio she has created for the imagination, pleasure, and marketing of her treasures and wares! Meet  the Faery Godmother herself at 44843 Dinely Drive, Three Rivers, CA.

David Ramirez
I started painting around the 70s. Though I stopped for many years, I recently started up again. I really enjoy acrylics, I am experienced in water colors and oils. One day soon I’ll get back to them. I also enjoy working with repurposed wood. I’m making small curiosities, garden art, things like door knockers, small tables and other things. I’m always looking for other forms of art to work with. I’m now semi-retired, so I’m keeping myself busy with all my art.  David will be at the Faery Godmother's Enchanted Cottage and Garden,44843 Dinely Drive.

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